• HD中字


2022-10-31 14:21
This is a wonderful movie. In just one hour, it contains much information and many insights about gypsy’s life: not only their music, dance, dress, but also their endless travel, discrimination, and their feeling towards it. All of these left me with a deep impression of the lived world of these people over time and into the present.At the very beginning, we can see that they are travelling often on foot, but also with oxen, dogs, and goats. But gradually, we can see how they adapt to travelling by means of horses, trains, and cars. This is a representation of modernization. The same thing can be seen from their clothes: at first, we can distinguish them easily from their clothes, which contain many of their cultural elements; but later, they wear more modern ones.It seems that they are born with the ability to sing and dance, which accompany them all their wandering life. At first, the boy would sing while walking, with castanets playing rhythms. Then, they start to play instruments, like violins, clarinet, and the band and other people gather around the dancers in the middle, all delightfully singing. The form of dance is changing throughout the time as well. While at beginning there is a girl spinning in long dress, later, they come to wear leather shoes to step dance, and after that, a group of them start to play guitar, in a bar-like place, and sing to the Black Madonna.I think I have a rather contradictory feeling toward their singing. On the one hand, I can constantly get their feeling of misery from their songs, because the repeated theme is discrimination. They are wondering why the whole world hates them. Just because of their dark skin and black hair? Wherever they go, they are cursed, chased, and they have to wander all through life. On the other hand, I also feel that they are optimistic, because wherever they go, they would let songs accompany them. Especially from the scene in Germany, when a child asks them to dance, they show so much enthusiasm and dance so happily! Even though they know there is still gap between them.The gypsies are mysterious. It seems that one of the reasons why they constantly travelling is that they have never truly merged into the culture of the place they stay for short periods of time. They are always on the edges of the dominant society, always regarding themselves as gypsies, and always retaining their own culture, their own lifestyle, and their own distinctive identity. Therefore, maybe that’s why the local people from all over the world would regard them as aliens. But it’s also something that confuses me: do the gypsies really want to be accepted? Deep down in their heart, perhaps yes. But will that be put into action?.The other question is whether all gypsies are from the same origin. I think people cannot include all wandering people into the category “Gypsy”, because it’s unfair. The gypsies are not that bad, and you cannot attribute the wrongs of other gypsy-like people to gypsies. And it is said that the gypsies are of Hindu origin. So, now that they are of one race (perhaps from one country), why not establish some legislation to protect them? Should they also not have human rights. On seeing them being expelled from cities, I felt so sad. Now, gypsies are trying to make their own living, basket-making, horse-dealing, not the stereotype in people’s mind which are thieves, beggars. In fact, gypsies are only one example of people whom can hardly be accepted. Say nothing of Jews, even homosexuals and handicapped cannot always be equally treated. So, there is a long way to go for all of us. I’m trying to understand them gradually. I think we should respect them. Because after all, it’s a way of life.