• 偷摩托车的人
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2024-02-07 13:35

男主骑士Secareanu 是罗曼人, 和太太Elena (Anamaria Marinca)、带着两个孩子住在伦敦. 骑士晚上送披萨赚钱养家,Elena白天在医院干清洁工。一家人生活拮据,于是在男主吃饭工具摩托车被抢后,他的世界崩溃了。 正如他老板所说‘没车就没工作,没工作就没钱,没钱没法活’,这意味着他要不惜一切代价在上班前找回自己失去的东西。。。换句话说,要么在接下去的24小时内尽其所能巡回车驾;要么另觅出路以养家糊口。

With its title, this British drama instantly recalls Vittorio De Sica’s 1948 neorealist classic The Bicycle Thieves. Yet writer/director Matt Chambers has astutely turned his debut feature into an involving story about surviving in an unforgiving world amid the complexities of the current immigrant experience.

The city is beautifully shot, eschewing the usual landmarks in favour of brutalist residential blocks and high streets peppered with Sports Directs and Claire’s Accessories. This might be the most London ever seen on screen – impressive considering the film clocks in at under 80 minutes. .

Grounded in gritty reality, the movie plays as a kitchen sink social drama, Chambers constantly throwing discussion points into proceedings as Secareanu’s character goes about his dilemma, The Rider pushed to the limit. If anything, the film seems a little too slow – it takes us seven minutes just to get to the title card – and for a film that is just 75 minutes long, it feels a lot longer.

电影The Bike Thief 是一部出色的作品,片子颇具风格、画面写实、色彩优美、张驰有到。导演熟练地通过电影语言讲述了普通人的故事,他们的背景、他们的选择、以及选择之后他们的挣扎。 这部片子作为新晋导演Chamber 的处女作,可圈可点、颇具可看性。

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男主骑士Secareanu 是罗曼人, 和太太Elena (Anamaria Marinca)、带着两个孩子住在伦敦. 骑士晚上送披萨赚钱养家,Elena白天在医院干清洁工。一家人生活拮据,于是在男主吃饭工具摩托车被抢后,他的世界崩溃了。 正如他老板所说‘没车就没工作,没工作就没钱,没钱没法活’,这意味着他要不惜一切代价在上班前找回自己失去的东西。。。换句话说,要么在接下去的24小时内尽其所能巡回车驾;要么另觅出路以养家糊口。

With its title, this British drama instantly recalls Vittorio De Sica’s 1948 neorealist classic The Bicycle Thieves. Yet writer/director Matt Chambers has astutely turned his debut feature into an involving story about surviving in an unforgiving world amid the complexities of the current immigrant experience.

The city is beautifully shot, eschewing the usual landmarks in favour of brutalist residential blocks and high streets peppered with Sports Directs and Claire’s Accessories. This might be the most London ever seen on screen – impressive considering the film clocks in at under 80 minutes. .

Grounded in gritty reality, the movie plays as a kitchen sink social drama, Chambers constantly throwing discussion points into proceedings as Secareanu’s character goes about his dilemma, The Rider pushed to the limit. If anything, the film seems a little too slow – it takes us seven minutes just to get to the title card – and for a film that is just 75 minutes long, it feels a lot longer.

电影The Bike Thief 是一部出色的作品,片子颇具风格、画面写实、色彩优美、张驰有到。导演熟练地通过电影语言讲述了普通人的故事,他们的背景、他们的选择、以及选择之后他们的挣扎。 这部片子作为新晋导演Chamber 的处女作,可圈可点、颇具可看性。



男主骑士Secareanu 是罗曼人, 和太太Elena (Anamaria Marinca)、带着两个孩子住在伦敦. 骑士晚上送披萨赚钱养家,Elena白天在医院干清洁工。一家人生活拮据,于是在男主吃饭工具摩托车被抢后,他的世界崩溃了。 正如他老板所说‘没车就没工作,没工作就没钱,没钱没法活’,这意味着他要不惜一切代价在上班前找回自己失去的东西。。。换句话说,要么在接下去的24小时内尽其所能巡回车驾;要么另觅出路以养家糊口。

With its title, this British drama instantly recalls Vittorio De Sica’s 1948 neorealist classic The Bicycle Thieves. Yet writer/director Matt Chambers has astutely turned his debut feature into an involving story about surviving in an unforgiving world amid the complexities of the current immigrant experience.

The city is beautifully shot, eschewing the usual landmarks in favour of brutalist residential blocks and high streets peppered with Sports Directs and Claire’s Accessories. This might be the most London ever seen on screen – impressive considering the film clocks in at under 80 minutes. .

Grounded in gritty reality, the movie plays as a kitchen sink social drama, Chambers constantly throwing discussion points into proceedings as Secareanu’s character goes about his dilemma, The Rider pushed to the limit. If anything, the film seems a little too slow – it takes us seven minutes just to get to the title card – and for a film that is just 75 minutes long, it feels a lot longer.

电影The Bike Thief 是一部出色的作品,片子颇具风格、画面写实、色彩优美、张驰有到。导演熟练地通过电影语言讲述了普通人的故事,他们的背景、他们的选择、以及选择之后他们的挣扎。 这部片子作为新晋导演Chamber 的处女作,可圈可点、颇具可看性。

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